Okay, this isn't going to be the most brutal, controversial, or inflammatory post to a blog ever, but sometimes some things have to be said: I like daisies. Shut up! Seriously. They're nice. The complexities of our world numbs us to the simple beauties of the world around us. We even seek out complex natural beauties in lieu of basking in the minimalism of certain other aspects of nature and God's glory though the Earth and universe.
Consider the daisy. Simple, elegant, truly a gift that we should enjoy, but it is looked over for more gaudy substitutes such as the chrysanthymum or rose.
Oh, and fuck Tipper Gore.
Compassion and Mindfulness
16 years ago
I do consider the daisies. They are my second favorite type of flower, next to sunflowers. Nothing could ever beat a sunflower!
Roses, meh. And chrysanthemums smell funny.
I wish I could quit you.
You realize you just indicted myself. The question is are you calling me "teh ghey" because I have a post on flowers, or do you love me because the last line didn't fail to disappoint?
It was the last line that stole my heart. Oh sardonic twist of phrase, how I love thee!
Oh, yes. But I'm thinking Tipper Gore might be, in fact, a good lay. Those thick, pasty thighs turning beet red as you slam up against her ample buttocks. She quivers and squeels with delight as you give her what she has needed for so long.
I...have nothing further to say to that. Im gonna go hide now.
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