1. "As Good As It Gets" when Jack Nicholson's character says he wants to be a better person.
2. "Good Will Hunting" when Will Hunting finally breaks down to Robin Williams' character, his psychologist.
3. "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" when the 4 Hobbits start to kneel before the newly crowned Aragorn and he stops them, telling them, "My friends, you bow before no man."
4. "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" when the mounted army of Rohan is lined up, facing down their certain doom, and with chilling steadfastness, they all sing "Death!" and charge.
5. "King Kong" Peter Jackson's version where Kong is dying on top of the Empire State Building and his final look into his Love's eyes.
Compassion and Mindfulness
16 years ago
1 comment:
1. I think every guy with a stupid mouth cries like a baby during that scene, myself included. And I have shamelessly stolen that quote "You make me want to be a better man" and used it on every woman since I saw the film.
2. Crushingly powerful scene. Matt Damon is so far above Ben Affleck in acting chops that it kills me I don't see him in more stuff. For a long time Affleck was getting more work, which is a crime against humanity.
3. Hell I cried like a baby during every scene with Sam in it. When he picks up Frodo and carries him the final stretch to the top of Mount Doom I'm a blubbering, snotty emotional wreck every time.
4. I need to see this one again.
5. It was uncanny how well that CGI beast was able to emote. Much like Hillary Clinton.
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