Thursday, July 31, 2008

So sick

Well, I have a cold and my foot has been ravaged by fire ants and I have to go to work in 5 hours. George Bush can suck it. I'll have more insightful wisdom tomorrow.


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Why aren't I in bed?

I should be asleep. I have to wake up for work in 6 hours and 45 minutes for a 10 hour shift at the Pizza Slut and I'm not asleep. I told Songbird (the cutie I went on a date with last week and who I'm going to see on Monday) that I was going to bed, and I meant it. But like so many lonely nights, one thing led to another...and here I am, at the damn idiot machine.

I got some news tonight from my landlady/roommate/friend that kinda bugged me, kinda relieved me. I tried contacting Wild Spark to discuss what was going through my mind, to sort of get confirmation or some sort of validation, but to no avail. I am glad, though. It forces my hand. Shit or get off the pot. I can focus on other things now, more important things such as law school and a lovely woman who I'll call Songbird. (I met Songbird through OkCupid, and she and I have talked a lot and gone out on a date. I really like her and I enjoy talking to her every day. Hell, I don't talk to ANYONE every day.)

Songbird is very sweet, pretty, smart, and she seems to like me, which really is a plus in her favor! I want to take this one slow but it right and let whatever needs to grow, grow. Shit, I feel like I'm back in the 9th grade. Our schedules are pretty opposite and she lives 40 miles away, but that doesn't bug me...she says it doesn't bug her either, so that's good.

Well, I am going to bed now. 6 hours and 30 minutes to have to wake up.

Friday, July 25, 2008

A New Level

A beautiful and powerful person just gave me a great gift: peace. Or at least, rather, putting me on the path to peace. For several months I felt myself creeping deep down into the abyss, the recesses of my mind that is dark and cold and lonely. Wild Spark pulled out a foul worm that was burrowing a hollow place in me and she is now teaching me how to heal myself.

I don't know how the magick of the universe's energies work, but I know that she is so in tune with the steady healing vibrations that she has disrupted my downward spiral, and I love her for that. She is balance, harmony, justice. I have sworn off reverence and idolatry for any human, but she comes about as close as I will allow for someone to be exalted by me.

She will undoubtedly read this and become bashful as such rediculous praise, but why should I not give credit where credit is due? Should we not all reap the fruits of our labors? A healer in the truest sense of the word, she has inspired me to strive for health and vitality.

Thank you, Wild Spark.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

This makes me smile

I haven't posted in a few days. Been up and down. This really makes me smile every time I watch it, hopefully it will for you too.

Friday, July 18, 2008

A Dame to Kill For

Well, maybe not, but possibly.

So I gave OkCupid a try and had moderate initial success. I got 2 basketcases right off the bat and almost met one and changed my mind at the 11th hour. I had the feeling she could get all Fatal Attraction on my ass and I don't want to have to kill a bitch.

The 3rd though, is a different story. Her name is Jennifer and she is an absolute sweetheart. Making her money as an au pair, she spends some of her free time as a volunteer firefighter and first responder (trust me when I say this, she looks amazingly hot in her full-on firefighter gear...ah, a woman in uniform). She's from wealthy stock aparently (her father bought a condo in Hawaii that he's never been too...), but that isn't her path. My only hesitation is her youth, but at 23 she is very mature and I don't feel it will be an issue.

But, joy and panic! We have a date on Monday. I haven't been on an honest to God, one-on-one, first date since I was at least 9 years old or so. Well, whatever doesn't kill me, etc etc.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Evidence of God

Have you ever, dear readers, been given a gift, even one that you've received many times over, that is just so extraordinary that it makes you want to get down on your knees and praise our Heavenly Father? You know, these gifts are so glorious and divine, that they seem to be like a showers of light and color, flowing from silver ewers carried by bobbing cherubim and heralded by the whole of the Celestial Choir.

And when I get up to finally go to work, I shall tread lightly, not from trepidation, but from elation! Jubilation! Adonai Elohim! Masaltov!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

5 movie scenes that made me cry

1. "As Good As It Gets" when Jack Nicholson's character says he wants to be a better person.
2. "Good Will Hunting" when Will Hunting finally breaks down to Robin Williams' character, his psychologist.
3. "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" when the 4 Hobbits start to kneel before the newly crowned Aragorn and he stops them, telling them, "My friends, you bow before no man."
4. "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" when the mounted army of Rohan is lined up, facing down their certain doom, and with chilling steadfastness, they all sing "Death!" and charge.
5. "King Kong" Peter Jackson's version where Kong is dying on top of the Empire State Building and his final look into his Love's eyes.

We can't stop here...this is bat country!

No man is so foolish but he may sometimes give another good counsel, and no man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master.

-Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

Today I saw "Gonzo: The Life and Work of Hunter S. Thompson." It was a twisted, deranged romp through the most successful journalist ever to dive over the edge of chemically induced madness.

Through archive footage, a great many conspirators, enemies, friends, loved ones and employers the insane tapestry of this modern day Mark Twain is pieced together. From his romping with and eventual stomping from the Hell's Angels, to his run for Sherriff of Aspen under the Freak Power ticket (he almost won), to working for Rolling Stone as a political contributor, to his inevitable self-inflicted implosion, his brilliance is splashed across the screen like some sort of acid-induced money shot.

The Midtown Landmark Theatre is perfect for this sort of spectacle. I went high, of course. To not do so would be a great insult to the man's memory. I grabbed a couple of beers there and a bag of popcorn and laughed with a few other good souls.

The documentary was poignant, though, elaborating on the foul similarities between that bastard Nixon and our current Son of a Bitch in Chief.


The Greatest Artistic Acheivement of Mankind

Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125,
"An die Freude (Ode to Joy)" (1824)
Ludwig van Beethoven
(English translation)

Oh friends, not these tones!
Rather let us sing more
Pleasant and more joyful ones.
Joy! Joy!
Joy, beautiful spark of gods,
Daughter of Elysium!
We enter, drunk with fire ,
Heavenly one, your shrine.
Your magics again bind
What custom has strictly parted.
All men become brothers,
where your gentle wing alights.
Whoever succeeds in the great attempt
To be a friend of a friend,
Whoever has won a lovely woman,
Let him add his jubilation!
Yes, whoever calls even one soul
His own on the earth's globe!
And who never has, let him steal,
Weeping, away from this group.
All creatures drink joy
At the breasts of nature;
All the good, all the evil
Follow her roses' trail.
Kisses gave she us, and wine,
A friend, proven unto death;
Pleasure was to the worm granted,
And the cherub stands before God.
Glad, as his suns fly
Through the Heavens' glorious plan,
Run, brothers, your race,
Joyful, as a hero to victory.
Be embraced, you millions!
This kiss for the whole world!
Brothers, beyond the star-canopy
Must a loving Father dwell.
Do you bow down, you millions?
Do you sense the Creator, world?
Seek Him beyond the star-canopy!
Beyond the stars must He dwell.
Finale repeats the words:
Be embraced, you millions!
This kiss for the whole world!
Brothers, beyond the star-canopy
Must a loving Father dwell.
Be embraced,
This kiss for the whole world!
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods,
Daughter of Elysium,
Joy, beautiful spark of the gods

Consider the Daisies

Okay, this isn't going to be the most brutal, controversial, or inflammatory post to a blog ever, but sometimes some things have to be said: I like daisies. Shut up! Seriously. They're nice. The complexities of our world numbs us to the simple beauties of the world around us. We even seek out complex natural beauties in lieu of basking in the minimalism of certain other aspects of nature and God's glory though the Earth and universe.

Consider the daisy. Simple, elegant, truly a gift that we should enjoy, but it is looked over for more gaudy substitutes such as the chrysanthymum or rose.

Oh, and fuck Tipper Gore.

We're all terminal

Hello, God, it's me Rob, are you fucking out there?

Far be it from me to let technology completely pass me by, I'm going to start this blog in order to embrace something I really don't care about, much like some people in my life right now.

So what is this? Some sort of journal? A diary? A rant page for all my twisted opinions of this sick fucking country and how it can all burn for all I care at this point because media controlled politicians are chowing down at the corporate trough of greed and corruption...wait, this isn't the meeting down at the docks. Shit, wrong forum.

Seriously, I am 30. I deliver pizza. I am about to enter law school. I love politics and hate politicians. I love Jesus and hate Christians. You say you like cognitive dissonance and dichotomy? Welcome and go fuck yourselves, you're going to love it here.