Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Reflection in Embers

I'm having trouble articulating, to myself, what is wrong. I am subplanting meaningful interactions with isolation, and succumbing to destructive urges. I am slipping with nothing to grip but my school work. That grip, however, is precarious. I feel I am not doing well in school and having difficulty gauging my progress.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hurts donut

I'm so tired today. My body and mind aches and I just want to curl up and wither away. I feel an emotional cancer growing within me, eating away slowly, taking over other emotions, rational thought. This isn't depression, it's something else. Something angry that wants to hurt.

Silly lowbrow said in a highbrow manner

Monday, September 29, 2008

It never fucking ends...

Now I find out, via an automated voice mail on my phone, that my mother's power is about to be disconnected. The problem? It's in my fucking name! Christ fucking cunt stabbers, she promised to not ever be late on that bill. I mean, she paid the cable, but not the power, what fucking sense does that make???

I'm going to cut off my family's power and water this Friday. Great. I'm a fucking monster. Both bills are in my name, neither can be transered over, i don't trust my parents, both utilities require deposits, and the water will take 3-5 days to be reconnected.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Are you more mature than a 5th grader...

Hahaha, the silent treatment! Classic. Hey, despite all better judgment, I tried to be sociable today and just got the cold shoulder. She has all the emotional capacity of a 5 year old.

How is it you can go from zero to bitch in one week?