Okay, a bit of an exaggeration but it's brutal. Or as Nathan Explosion would say: "Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuutal!" Law School should come with its own black metal soundtrack it's so brutal.
Other than that, it's always sunny in Stone Mountain!
Haven't written in awhile, gonna be better about it.
I'm quit the Pizza Slut and now I'm just a law student and graduate assistant. I'm playing around with some extra curricular stuff. I've done more ExCurr shit in the last 4 weeks than all of my time at UGA and GSU undergrad put together...x2.
The Docket, the GSU College of Law newspaper, is interested in my humorous article ideas and that makes me happy. I'm gonna see what cause of action Jabba the Hutt's Estate has against Luke Skywalker for blowing up his party barge. Or maybe Sauron can bring suit against Frodo for Trespass and destruction of property. Or how do statutes of limitations work with time travel as in Back to the Future...
Goddamn I'm a big fucking dork.
Compassion and Mindfulness
16 years ago
Glad to hear that things are going well with school, despite the bruuuuuuuuuuuuuutality of it. If you write one (or more) of those humourous articles, you will definitely need to share them here! Personally, I'm pulling for the LOTR one. :)
Be well!!
Oh man I cannot wait for those articles! You must post them here too.
And Im glad to see you doing all this Extracurricular stuff...the news articles will be a great way to get your name out there too. You really seem to be thriving in law school, and that rocks. Cheers!
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