2:30 and I'm still working on shit. Today was a glorious effort in procrastination. I did dishes, straightened up a bit, smoked a lot of cigarettes, cooked dinner in an attempt to avoid actual school work. Hell, I even did school work to avoid doing more important school work. That's bad.
Oh well. I hope I get enough done to justify going to have dinner with B, but I'm not sure at this rate. I'd have to be REALLY REALLY productive to pull that off. It'll make me look like a real dick because I was just getting on his case about not hanging out and all...shit. This ended up being a really bad weekend for me, though. A lot of work even by law school standards. I know he'll understand, but it still makes me look like a douche.
Oh well.
Compassion and Mindfulness
16 years ago
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